Family Easter Devotionals

Since my oldest was just a couple years old we have done family devotionals around advent and lent.  I searched high and low for content out there that would work for our family, but finally decided to create something that fit our life.  I learned early on that these times needed to be kept simple to keep them sustainable. I have modified the content and presentation over the years to fit the ages of our  kids (currently 9, 7, 4), but we have formed our own traditions that we return to every year during these sacred times. We all look forward to doing them.  And I am convinced that giving my kids the opportunity to worship with me and my husband leading up to Easter and Christmas will impact there walk with Jesus into adulthood.

As the world has shifted over the last couple weeks, I decided to share my family’s lent/Easter traditions with you.  Many of us have found more time on our hands with everything being cancelled.  We find that we are now the primary source pouring into the spirituality of our kids as church programming is cancelled.  And we find not only our own need for solid ground, but also the need for solid ground under our kids’ feet.

It was interesting as I was modifying the devotionals this year, that the content I was led to fit so snuggly in with the needs of our world at this time.  Strange how God works.

I pray this could be something that you use to draw you and yours closer to each other and closer to the Solid Rock in this shifting world.

Take a look at the attached content and if it is something that fits the rhythm and needs of your family, Enjoy! Go ahead and start with my family this coming week.  (There are 14 devotionals that can be done anytime between now and Easter)  Leave comments and questions below as we journey together to raise up a generation who trusts Jesus and as we move toward that ourselves.

2020 Easter

(Go ahead and share this content with others, but please always refer them back to this original source.  Thank you.)

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